How To Buy Ekush Managed Mutual Funds?

How To Buy Ekush Managed Mutual Funds?

If you want to buy Ekush managed fund physically you need to bring the following documents:



Filled-in and signed Application form


Copy of Applicant’s NID


Copy of Nominee’s NID


Applicant’s passport size photograph


Nominee’s passport size photograph


Copy of Applicant’s BO Acknowledgement/ Portfolio Statement


Copy of Applicant’s ETIN Certificate


Copy of Applicant’s blank cheque leaf copy/ Bank Statement



Alternatively, you can buy fund online by logging in the website. You need to log in first and register as a user.

Yes, the whole process can be completed online. You need to follow the following steps:

For lump-sum investment you can directly go to “Invest Now” button on and for SIP only you need to log in as a user first.

You need to  give relevant information and upload the required documents to complete purchase.

Yes. Both accounts are mandatory for investing in Mutual Fund

You can open BO account in any brokerage house nearest to you.

Alternatively, we will help you to open BO account, if you provide us with the required documents. Brokerage houses charge a maintenance fee per year and account opening fee for BO account.

Listed below are the documents required by brokerage houses:

  • 3 copies of Passport-sized photograph
  • Copy of NID/ Passport
  • Copy of Bank Statement/ Cheque Leaf
  • 2 copies of photograph of nominee (duly attested by A/c holder)
  • Copy of NID of nominee (duly attested by A/c holder)

No.You will be taxed on dividend received from the fund at 10% if you have TIN certificate. Otherwise you will be taxed at 15%.

The details of the bank account of Ekush First Unit Fund are:

Account Name

Ekush First Unit Fund

Account Number



Midland Bank Limited


Dilkhusha Corporate Branch

Routing Number



 You can send the money in any of the following way:

  1. Writing account payee cheque/ pay order/ demand draft in the name of “Ekush First Unit Fund” and come to our office with all the documents.
  2. Writing account payee cheque/ pay order/ demand draft in the name of “Ekush First Unit Fund” and directly deposit in the fund account mentioned above. In that case, you need to email image of cheque or instrument along with deposit slip at or and let us know about deposit by calling +8801713086101.
  3. You can directly transfer online via BEFTN but you need to call at this number +8801713086101 before transfer of the fund. You send image of EFT confirmation at or and let us know about deposit at +8801713086101.

the above process is for lump-sum investment only.

For SIP investment you need to register as user then you will have SIP-purchase option in your personal account in

The buy/sell price is published online on every Thursday and reported in the daily Financial Express on every Sunday. The price mentioned on Thursday will be the effective buy price from Sunday through Wednesday in the following week. Units are not bought or sold on Thursday.

You need to submit the Unit-Repurchase Form and CDBL Transfer Request Form to his/her respective brokerage house.

The brokerage house will then contact CDBL and wait for confirmation. Upon receiving confirmation, we will disburse the payment to you through account payee cheque or BEFTN transfer, as per your request, within minimum 3 working days.

to complete the sell process, Ekush will assist in every step.

Entry load refers to an additional fee charged on an investor’s initial investment. Exit load is a fee charged when an investor withdraws his/her investment. there is no entry and exit load in Ekush First Unit Fund until declared otherwise. However, for SIP investment, there is 1% exit load.

No. You are free to sell your units for cash anytime for lump-sum invest.

For SIP investment, you need to hold the investment up to maturity. However, in case of emergency, you can also make pre-mature encashment by paying exit load, if any.

Three to Seven working days.