Wealth Creation Calculator

Wealth Creation Calculator

Hi User, let's take a step closer to your dreams

Ff you are looking for a shortcut to build wealth, you have the wrong spirit, its built gradually, layer by layer- Dave Ramsey

Your Good Name, Please?
Your Annual Income?
Your Age Now?
At What Age You Want to Meet the Goal?
The Goal Costs Now
You Want to Invest?
Your Risk Appetite?

Disclaimer: Mutual funds are subject to market risks. Ekush is not guaranteeing any return of it's managed fund.

Note: 1) As per Bangladesh Bank data, last 5 years averge inflation rate is 5.71%

Goal Setting

Click below to change answers

  1. Name:
  2. Your Annual Income:
  3. Current age:
  4. At What Age You Want to Meet the Goal:
  5. The Goal Costs Now:
  6. What you can invest now in Ekush First Unit Fund?:
  7. Your risk Appetite:

Wealth Creation Investor Output